News Around the World

The Bologna Man Cometh

An Albuquerque, New Mexico woman has a message for the man who keeps bringing her bologna and bread: please stop.

Sharisha Morrison tells KOB TV that the unknown man has been making the deliveries since early January, leaving the food in a plastic grocery store bag that he hangs from her doorknob. And it’s not just her — she says some of her neighbors have been receiving the deliveries, too.

And lest you think Morrison is ungrateful for what clearly could be an act of kindness, she said on at least one occasion, the grocery bag smelled of urine.

They even have video of the guy who’s doing it, thanks to a camera Morrison set up to catch him. It shows a middling-tall man who appears to be in his late 60s walking up to the door, hanging the bag and then walking away.

Morrison says she just wants it to stop. “I have my baby, you know, and I don’t want some random guy just creeping around my apartment,” she said.

Morrison’s left a note attached to her door, telling the mystery meat man to stop. She’s also called the police, who say there’s not much they can do unless they catch the man in the act, though they also said they’d increase patrols in the area.

Click here to watch the video!

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